Cameo by Mr. Cooper

Greetings. After 2.5 years of Cooper asking me "would you rather" / hypothetical questions every day of my life, I decided to turn the tables. We were in the middle of shooting this video on my PhotoBooth but Cooper's older brother and sister-in-law (who flew in from Chicago to surprise him on his birthday!) buzzed into my apartment so we had to do two separate videos and then I couldn't figure out how to merge them. I used this technology called Filmora to combine the videos and now I can't get rid of the stupid Filmora symbol in my video. I don't need a mouse to use excel, but I cannot edit a simple video. Hit me up if you know how to do this in case I need this knowledge in the future. I thought I knew how with iMovie but I can't find it on my computer for some reason. Anyway, I hope the six of you who follow my blog enjoy the clip. 

Happy 25th, Cooper! You are my love. 

Special shoutout to Devon Fownes (@fevondownes), Jennie Kaplan (@jennie_from_dablock), and Chris Ragsdale (@rags_official) who are all very near and dear to my heart. I am sorry I could not make it to any of your celebrations this weekend.